
Tips To Help Your E-commerce Store Make Its First Sale Quicker

By Christina Antony

When it comes to ecommerce, there are many factors that go into making the sale. The amount of money you spend on marketing, the quality of your product, and the specific niche that you’re in all play a big role in whether or not that first sale will come, soon enough or not.

Making the first sale on your ecommerce website can be intimidating. Making that first sale can mean the difference between success and failure. If you don’t do it, nobody else will.

For many entrepreneurs, their first sale is a high moment. It’s the culmination of months (or even years) of hard work and dedication. And now you can take those steps to make your business grow.

Here are some tips to help you make your first sale:

  • Choose a strong domain name 
  • Create an attention-grabbing design 
  • Offer free shipping on orders over $50 
  • Include discounts for first time customers 
  • Give customers a reason to engage with your brand 
  • Utilize social media sites to promote your product

What Is an Ecommerce Website?

An ecommerce website is simply a website that you create to sell products online. Whether you’re selling apparel, clothing, accessories, beauty, electronics, or home decor, having an online shop will help your business succeed and make more sales.

Ecommerce websites are gaining more and more traction and are seen as the best choice for many businesses looking to sell their goods online. Ecommerce websites have many benefits over traditional shopping options.

If you sell online, your products are delivered to you, not in your hands, and you don’t have to pay for shipping. You can also keep a close eye on your inventory levels and schedule delivery and returns in real time.

eCommerce sites also make it easier to carry out an ecommerce sale.

Factors That Go into Making a Sale

With any business, there are a number of factors that go into making the first sale. You’ll want to look for these common reasons that a sale will take place.

• Having a high product offering. This could be based on price, quality, or some other feature. If your product is priced reasonably and customers are happy with the quality, you’ll more likely see an order.

• Properly explaining your product and how it works. This will help you win more sales. If customers aren’t sure how your product works, then they might choose another one. Use different languages to emphasize that you’ll make their life easier.

• Providing the best customer service possible. When you’re working with customers, you want to offer them the best experience possible.

Domain Name

Deciding on a domain name is a first step towards your ecommerce website’s success. Choosing the right domain name can mean the difference between success and failure. The choices you make can impact your name, your marketing, and your profits.

A good domain name can increase your conversion rate by 10%. That’s a big number.

Your choice of a domain name should be one that your customers will find easy to use.

Choose a domain name that includes your brand name and gives potential customers an idea of what they are about to buy.


Once you’ve decided on a domain name and price, you’ll want to create a category to sell products under.

When customers look for products, they usually find products that are in the same category as what they are looking for.


Your e-commerce business website should be high quality. Design, graphics, and colors are important for making your website stand out from the competition.

You’ll want your website to look professional, look current, and have a balance of good and bad design elements.

It should be visually appealing, but also easy to navigate and easy to understand. When someone thinks about an ecommerce website, they should be able to quickly identify what your business does. Your first impression on visitors will make or break a sale.


When a customer orders a product, they usually have a specific delivery date in mind. Depending on the size of the order and the quantity, shipping can take time. Depending on your shipping, it may take a couple days, a week, or more.

By giving your customers a pre-ordered date, you’re letting them know that the order will be made and will be on its way. It’s important to remember that many first-time customers don’t realize the many steps that it takes to ship a product.

Offering Free Shipping

If you’re not offering free shipping, you’re losing out on a huge percentage of your customers. Consider offering free shipping as a free option.

You can do this by using the credit card processing company that’s offering you a discount. Or, you could offer a discount on the initial order amount.

Discounts For New Customers 

The first step you can take to increase sales is to increase your first-time customer base. This means offering a discount to those new customers. Don’t offer it at the time of purchase. Instead, offer it at checkout.

This is a huge way to capture new customers. If you start giving away free shipping or special savings for the first week, you are going to have customers all over the place.

Social Media 

Marketing is done on a number of social media platforms, and they have various purposes.

Social media channels that promote organic search are a good option. These channels focus on linking directly to products and tutorials.

They are also a great way to interact with customers and promote the products that you sell.

These platforms are also a great way to promote your latest and greatest products, or interact with customers about things that may not be too significant to the average customer.

Keyword Marketing

Keyword search marketing can boost your organic search results for any business that sells products online. It can also increase your search engine rankings for long-tail keywords that are relevant to your product.


With all the tools at your disposal, there’s really no excuse for not selling your products online. Getting started is just the beginning and it’s important to take steps in the right direction and learn everything you can before you start to sell your products.

About Author:

Christina Antony is a content writer for, one of the leading B2B Marketplaces from the United States. eWorldTrade helps connect millions of buyers and suppliers around the world with its digital trading platform.

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